Congratulations SHAD0W, FREQ of the Year as voted by the community.


First and foremost my apologies for the delay in this post. It’s been a tough few years and the last 6 months has been no exception. But with that said, it’s important we recognize and remember those who have added value to our lives over the course of the past 12 months, and of course remember our good friend Ryan who we tragically lost last year. It still feels like yesterday for me, as I’m sure it’s still very raw for you all, even all these months later. It’s still a little hard for me to acknowledge so perhaps you can all cut me some slack for taking a bit of a break with the festivities this past New years eve. Ultimately though so long as the community continues to participate and engage, we will continue to hand out Ryans Medal of Honor each year and remember the wonderful human being he was.

This years recipient, I’m sure you will all agree is well deserved. Shadow only joined the frequency last year but was instrumental in keeping the Battlefield servers full 24/7 which meant the rest of us could just join and have fun. But a lot of work has to go into those servers, and even then once the server is ready to go, we need trail blazers that will go into a completely empty server so that other people will follow and populate the server. This is not a trivial thing to do, no one wants to sit and wait in the hope people will join the server, but Shadow, a new member did this day in day out, and clearly the community I’m happy to say recognized this. As well as just being an all round top bloke, Shadow is always there in Discord, always ready to play whatever with whoever, and the value of that kind of dedication is priceless for the community.

So congratulations Shadow on winning Ryan’s Medal of Honor for 2021has voted by your peers, I can think of no better FREQ to bestow this upon. Already added to our Hall of Fame. Prize pack and Dog Tags are on their way.


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