We’ve made some tweaks after taking on some feedback and the following changes have been made to the server. Note that we still need to do some more testing but in all the server is playing a lot better. We will have news on another server hopefully by mid next week but the following changes are as follows:
- Start of round Supply Has been increased from 18 to 20 Supply.
- Bot Difficulty has been decreased from 0.6 to 0.4 (This was an error on our part, god knows what we were thinking)
- Bot Peripheral vision has been decreased from 360 degrees to 160.
- Bot vision angle (Y axis) has been decreased from 300 to 90.
- Both of the above variables related to vision, plus the drop of difficulty, has significantly decreased the occurrences of being wall banged behind cover. The chances of being shot through the floor from the second floor if players are on the ground floor has been all but eliminated as the bots literally cant see down far enough to shoot or even detect a player.
- Prep time between waves for Outpost has been increased from 5 seconds to 40 seconds. (Not sure if this was default but 40 seconds is much much more chill).
- Bot numbers have been INCREASED. Due to the fact that we toned down the bot difficulty, we still wanted to make sure that the server was a challenge for more experienced players, so as a result, Max bot count when the server hits cap will now be 42 bots instead of 30 (We will adjust this further if needed. But .2 difficulty seems to be the sweet spot after testing.)
- Map rotation has been updated, largely checkpoint with a couple of outpost favourites sprinkled in for good measure – We have removed all night maps, but the night maps can be requested in game, just ask an admin and if there is enough interest we can fire up a night map.
- Rounds have been INCREASED to 3, with a victory condition of 1. Previously it was just one round per map, which was a mistake out our behalf.
All in all, we feel the server is pretty much there now, and we are going to start focusing our attention on a second server which we hope to have online sometime next week so stay tuned.
Thanks to all for your feedback and support.