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Remembering Ryan - Science, Tech, Gaming -

Remembering Ryan


I’ve tried several times to write this. Sometimes I get a paragraph or two before deleting and starting over again, when ultimately, I think in the end, there are no real words that articulate the shock and sadness, I and I know many of you feel for the loss of our good friend Ryan “Ryze” who died last week.

My thoughts, as I’m sure all of yours are with Ryans family.

For me it’s surreal. I saw the new year in with Ryan, as many of you did, and we had a genuinely memoriable New years eve together. I went to sleep that morning thinking about how lucky I was to have such awesome people in my life, we must of been talking to nearly sunrise, Ryan I, and a few others the last men standing.

This post, in a better timeline, would merely be announcing who won ‘Freq of the Year’ and share some of the fun we had on NYE. Instead a few days later, we lost a brother and friend, who was taken from us far too young. Ryan was a top bloke who was always there for his mates. Whether he was creating music, shooting the breeze or just Oscar mike with the crew life was just undeniably better when Ryze was around.

Ryan had a big impact on many of us, I know if your reading this you probably knew him well, and I assure you, your not alone in your feelings of loss. Over the past week I’ve been trying to think of ways we can honor his memory moving forward. I like you, are still somewhat in shock, but I’ve decided, seeing as he was with us for the first Freq Of The Year award and for a few of us at least that night was the last moments we would have with him, the award itself will now be called “Ryans Medal of Honor”.

These are truly trying times we are living through, but together our adversity is at least a shared one. And I thank you all for being there for me, as I know you are for each other. One tentative step into 2021 after another.

We’ll get through it together. – Drift.


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