With the terrible news of our loss of our friend only a few days after the votes were counted and the awards announced, this is unfortunately a more subdued post, but still an important one. In the first instance because as a community we take the time to recognize someone who we collectively agree is someone who deserves some recognition for the value that individual adds to our lives.
And in the second instance, because Ryze cast a vote with us that night, and I can’t think of a better way to honor his memory as a community.
As stated in the previous post Remembering Ryan One award, along with other prizes for the annual FOTYA will be Ryans Medal Of Honor which will be personalized for the recipient. And will be the highest honor a member can acheive, with the majority of his peers casting him as “Nulli Secudunus” A title which I’m sure all of you agree is appropriate for 2020’s winner.
In other notable news of the evening, Tjay won Doom Eternal and a bunch of total war keys for winning the voters Wheel of Fortune. Everyone got very, very wasted and I won a freestyle rap battle without even knowing what an adjective was. All whilst social distancing. – Good times all. Good times…
(Note* The above image of the Dogtag is a first draft, more images of updated tags coming soon)